Creek creek boom boom boom
(pumpkin head running down the stairs)
Of our house… recap of what happened last night…
Sanjay someone's at the door open it (a big complaint) (half an hour later)... 12 at night fine sanjay i'll open it... oh no who is it luka who do you think it is sanjay i don't know a booger monster. haha nice one sanjay
Arh whos at the door (me opening the door)
Haha! as luka threw tomatoes at pumpkin head and laughing Come here sanjay look at this pile of dump WHAT! Said sanjay… oh look it's PUMPKIN HEAD!! What are you doing here said luka please oh please let me in you’re
House im cold hey go to your house pumpkin head but it's blown up owwwwww (acting normal)
(luka and sanjay blow his house up)
(we thought it was just a shed in a junkyard)
We let him in…
Can you be quiet pumpkin head we
Were trying to sleep a! I can't hear you
the volume of the tv too loud.
(pumpkin head play video games)
12:00 in the morning yeeeeee pumpkin head running down the stairs
oh sanjay what time is it 12:00 in the morning WHAT! Said luka.
I need to go to work said luka you got a job? Said sanjay
Really sanjay you know that i work at countdown. Oh yeah well what for breakfast… jelly! Said pumpkin head hey pumpkin head what video game did you play Said sanjay (sarcasm) bye sanjay i'm going to work look after pumpkinhead and take him to his graduation WHAT! Luka why me just DO IT! Fine… (before i was about to speak)
Yes i'll take him for a walk said sanjay hey pumpkin head what a walk?!!!
Byeeee (luka was gone… okay finally said pumpkinhead hey your not going anywhere we put the lead on his green stork…(sanjay putting a lead on pumpkin head)
aww man. Lets go to the graduation pumpkinhead
Oh boy that's gonna be an investment said pumpkinhead… (when we got there)
hey look its pumpkin dog said pumpkin heads friends oww take me of this lead!!!! Said pumpkinhead. Shut your mouth!!!! said sanjay and stop moaning too. owww and STOP SAYING OWW! Owww said pumpkin head shut ya mouth! Owww.
Oh man?!!!!!!!!! said sanjay.
Now pumpkin head put your hat on…
SHUT your trap!!!!!!
(Everyone looked)
Man this is the weirdest graduation and… your just a year 1 anyway said sanjay. Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i’m a year 13!!!!!!!!!!! Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww man said pumpkin head
Later… when pumpkinhead is on the stage and sanjay is in the sets halalu a hallelu do do do (song) rmmm rmmm luka turn up bang bang
Everyone goes Aww he's so bad he's a damn boy!! (luka sits next to sanjay)
(on the stage)...
I am pleased to say pumpkinhead you've passed to being graduated high school said luka silence (no one claps) no one likes pumpkin head said sanjay your right said luka we may now here the speech of honor by pumpkinhead boo boo boo boo (people disliking pumpkin head)speech time...
Okay ummmm errr i thank you for umm err uh being a...umm err a great school he he he umm err hi ish guys ish he he umm umm er
Have a good day ish err umm er hi again sourtove umm er it's been a umm great year err yeah hehe umm ererer umm bye SAY SOMETHING PUMPKIN HEAD !!!!!!!! BOO BOO BOO BOO!!!! Said the crowd…
(pumpkin heads speech) Haha said sanjay and luka ha ha ha ha ha ha boooooooooooooo splat boo splat plop (people throwing tomatoes at pumpkin head)
After the graduation…
Walking to the farrie…
Owwwww said pumpkinhead
Hey pumpkinhead nice speech weirdo said all the girls haha.
Hey your dumb said all the cool kid shove smack pow (kids smacking and shoving pumpkin head) hey you kids get off him and get lost! Said luka.
Are we sure we trust him? Said sanjay yeah sourtove said sanjay
Back at home...
Right let's go to bed and go to school tomorrow…
But i thought i graduated said pumpkinhead yeah but only from one school… owwwwww.
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