I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room6 and my Teacher is Miss Down.
Friday, 29 March 2019
Up Up And Away-Dr Seuss
This my hot air balloon that we created to how that our goals are going to take us up to new heights.
Growth Mindset-Goal Bunting
Each student in room 6 has made a bunting triangle to show our Growth Mindset goal and motto that we want to work on. come check them out!

Jesus Strand-Religious Education
during term 1 we have been learning about Jesus the Son of God. this is my 3d cube on how Jesus showed us that God loved us all as his children, we are all blessed with the gifts of faith,hope,and love

Friday, 22 March 2019
St Joseph's Day Tabloid Sport
Tuesday 19th March was St Joseph’s Day Feast Day. The whole school attended mass to celebrate the leadership Saint Joseph showed. Saint Joseph is also special to our school because Saint MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph were inspired by Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph is also the foster father of Jesus. The following day, the whole school came together to celebrate with fun tabloid sports in our houses. We all got to play so many fun and exciting games. Thank you to our leaders who prepared this.
Monday, 18 March 2019
Pumpkin head goes to school
Pumpkin head!!!! Wake up time for school!!!! Bang crash (luka and sanjay hitting pumpkin head with pillows) wake upppp!!!!said luka and sanjay Owwwwwwwww!!!! Man do i need to wake up said pumpkin head yes you’ve got school
And your starting a new school because you’ve graduated you old school said sanjay but i don’t want to Owwwwwww man WAKE UP!!!
Owowowowow why???? Hey me and luka are going to show you what the new school looks like. Nonononono fine!
This is what the school looks like
Byeee (pumpkinhead went to school)
Right let's renovate our house said luka Okay so like we're gonna surprise pumpkinhead
Said sanjay why said sanjay i don't know anyway let's just do it… well it's not really gonna be a surprise if it's not wrapped up in paper well come on let's do this…
That looks epic! Said sanjay and it's on a mountain yah…
But since we also changed houses we live far away from our old house so pumpkinhead cant find us ow well it's not a big deal said sanjay.
Rmmm (bus drove to our old house) hey luka and sanjay that was the best day ever- WHAT! Where are you guys
Back at our new house…
Wow it relaxing without pumpkin head ahh said sanjay
Arh i don't know sanjay i'm gonna pick him up with the chopper WHAT! Nah no need enjoy this while we can luka… yeah your right sanjay i guess i'll pick him up in another 3 hours or never i'll think about it it depends how relaxing it is oh yeah this is the life...
(next minute) hey guys! Owww no! Can i join you (jumps into the pool and splashes us so bad.
Oh you here to spoil the fun eh said sanjay no im making it better said pumpkin head oh man.
(next hour) hey guys! Oh man!!! it's a big party now ERR
THAT'S IT! Said luka i'll give this party house
It's got a pool the size of a bug! Said pumpkin heads friends so what! You can have it said sanjay well it's that our nothing said luka
NOTHING! Fine we'll go
When they left…
Oh yeah this is the life
(next minute) hey guys oh no! Not AGAIN!! GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Booooooom (door being slammed shut) PUMPKIN HEAD WHAT WERE YOU THINKING ??
Right luka arhh yeah sure err ... said luka (6 hours ago ) yeah well pick him up in 3 hour
Got that right sanjay said luka. Umm yeah we were we are totally not fibbing said sanjay okkay said pumpkin head.
The end
Pumpkin heads graduation… apparently
Creek creek boom boom boom
(pumpkin head running down the stairs)
Of our house… recap of what happened last night…
Sanjay someone's at the door open it (a big complaint) (half an hour later)... 12 at night fine sanjay i'll open it... oh no who is it luka who do you think it is sanjay i don't know a booger monster. haha nice one sanjay
Arh whos at the door (me opening the door)
Haha! as luka threw tomatoes at pumpkin head and laughing Come here sanjay look at this pile of dump WHAT! Said sanjay… oh look it's PUMPKIN HEAD!! What are you doing here said luka please oh please let me in you’re
House im cold hey go to your house pumpkin head but it's blown up owwwwww (acting normal)
(luka and sanjay blow his house up)
(we thought it was just a shed in a junkyard)
We let him in…
Can you be quiet pumpkin head we
Were trying to sleep a! I can't hear you
the volume of the tv too loud.
(pumpkin head play video games)
12:00 in the morning yeeeeee pumpkin head running down the stairs
oh sanjay what time is it 12:00 in the morning WHAT! Said luka.
I need to go to work said luka you got a job? Said sanjay
Really sanjay you know that i work at countdown. Oh yeah well what for breakfast… jelly! Said pumpkin head hey pumpkin head what video game did you play Said sanjay (sarcasm) bye sanjay i'm going to work look after pumpkinhead and take him to his graduation WHAT! Luka why me just DO IT! Fine… (before i was about to speak)
Yes i'll take him for a walk said sanjay hey pumpkin head what a walk?!!!
Byeeee (luka was gone… okay finally said pumpkinhead hey your not going anywhere we put the lead on his green stork…(sanjay putting a lead on pumpkin head)
aww man. Lets go to the graduation pumpkinhead
Oh boy that's gonna be an investment said pumpkinhead… (when we got there)
hey look its pumpkin dog said pumpkin heads friends oww take me of this lead!!!! Said pumpkinhead. Shut your mouth!!!! said sanjay and stop moaning too. owww and STOP SAYING OWW! Owww said pumpkin head shut ya mouth! Owww.
Oh man?!!!!!!!!! said sanjay.
Now pumpkin head put your hat on…
SHUT your trap!!!!!!
(Everyone looked)
Man this is the weirdest graduation and… your just a year 1 anyway said sanjay. Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i’m a year 13!!!!!!!!!!! Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww man said pumpkin head
Later… when pumpkinhead is on the stage and sanjay is in the sets halalu a hallelu do do do (song) rmmm rmmm luka turn up bang bang
Everyone goes Aww he's so bad he's a damn boy!! (luka sits next to sanjay)
(on the stage)...
I am pleased to say pumpkinhead you've passed to being graduated high school said luka silence (no one claps) no one likes pumpkin head said sanjay your right said luka we may now here the speech of honor by pumpkinhead boo boo boo boo (people disliking pumpkin head)speech time...
Okay ummmm errr i thank you for umm err uh being a...umm err a great school he he he umm err hi ish guys ish he he umm umm er
Have a good day ish err umm er hi again sourtove umm er it's been a umm great year err yeah hehe umm ererer umm bye SAY SOMETHING PUMPKIN HEAD !!!!!!!! BOO BOO BOO BOO!!!! Said the crowd…
(pumpkin heads speech) Haha said sanjay and luka ha ha ha ha ha ha boooooooooooooo splat boo splat plop (people throwing tomatoes at pumpkin head)
After the graduation…
Walking to the farrie…
Owwwww said pumpkinhead
Hey pumpkinhead nice speech weirdo said all the girls haha.
Hey your dumb said all the cool kid shove smack pow (kids smacking and shoving pumpkin head) hey you kids get off him and get lost! Said luka.
Are we sure we trust him? Said sanjay yeah sourtove said sanjay
Back at home...
Right let's go to bed and go to school tomorrow…
But i thought i graduated said pumpkinhead yeah but only from one school… owwwwww.
Friday, 15 March 2019
My Accident Story
The Hole in my Knee
February 2019
By Luka
I am learning to entertain my audience through a recount.
Have you ever had a hole in your knee with lots of blood spilling out everywhere and you screaming like someone died? Well that is exactly what happened to me. I was about 5 years old at the time and had a love of skateboarding and I thought it would be a good idea to do something pretty dangerous. Looking back now I know it was not and will never be a good idea.
It was a very normal Sunday at my Grandad’s house, my brother, my friends and I were playing around. We were having fun just skateboarding then my friend said, “Let's build a big ramp.” I yelled back agreeing with him, “Yeah! Let's do it.” I mean I could of said no but I was to excited, and come on what better way to entertain yourself then have a massive ramp to skate on.
However it sounded like a lot of fun but when we started building the ramp it actually was rather boring! Hours later in the evening it was finally ready… The ramp was built I thought it was the best thing I was ever going to do in my life. I was so focused, positioning myself at the top of the ramp, taking a big breath in, in my head the thought, “Let’s do this.” I yelled out to those at the bottom, “Here we go, 5,4,3,2,1 GO! Yeah! It was so fun until I pushed it too much… I wanted to do a flip. My brother and friends yelled out NO, as if they could stop me. Waving their arms back and forth, I waved back and lost control of the skateboard...
Aaahhh!!! I fell off the skateboard, trapping my foot under the ramp, hitting my knee hard onto the ground. Looking down, blood everywhere, a giant hole in my knee, people screaming at the sight. My mum and dad hearing the scream both came rushing out of my Grandad’s house. Picking me up, they rushed me to the car and we left so fast that we even went through orange / red light as we raced to home.
When we got home, my dad wrapped my knee in white bandages. It was really hard for me to sleep that night, and the following days to come. I think I have learnt my lesson from taking on a giant skateboard ramp.
Friday, 8 March 2019
Swimming sports
Room 6 had a wonderful day at swimming sports. When we all went to the turf we split up into our houses. Thank you Sharyn and parents for helping us with the non competitive swimming and competitive. Also thank you parents for coming along and supporting your children. Good shepherd students thank the teachers very warmly, as every year as they set up and prepare this event for us. I’m sure that every student enjoyed the event. I saw everyone compete with my own eyes and they all did well. The people who lost don’t have to be sad because they should be grateful they got a swim in the hot weather also because there’s always time and effort to improve.
Ash Wednesday
Today was Ash Wednesday. We went to church and sang some hymns, got the ashes on our foreheads,
sung happy birthday to a little girl starting school on her birthday! We then went up and got a blessing
We did make an attempt to keep our ashes on our foreheads, but that was a fail due to swimming and
itching it off. We had a good day and hope everyone did too. season of Lent and it is a time of preparation.
Shrove Tuesday
Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday. We all had a great day in room 6. The festivities started with the burning of the
ashes on the turf. This was a new and exciting experience that not many of us had seen before.
ashes on the turf. This was a new and exciting experience that not many of us had seen before.
Later on during Religious Education we learnt more about Shrove Tuesday and Lent. People
used to get rid of all their luxury items such as flour, sugar, butter, eggs and milk by making pancakes.
We were even able to enjoy some pancakes of our own. We all thought it was a great start to lent and
we are looking forward to the lent season as we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus.
We are the season of Lent and it is a time of preparation.
used to get rid of all their luxury items such as flour, sugar, butter, eggs and milk by making pancakes.
We were even able to enjoy some pancakes of our own. We all thought it was a great start to lent and
we are looking forward to the lent season as we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus.
We are the season of Lent and it is a time of preparation.
Shine Week
A sea of orange flood Good Shepherd School on Friday the 8th of March. This week was shine week. We raise money to help people whose lives are affected domestic violence. In support we all wore orange clothes and brought a gold coin donation to help the charity. Here are some pictures:
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