Awesome superpowers 3
Super luka
Cool kevin
Sneaky sanjay
Arh behave now sneaky sanjay
“Arh okay”
Is that better “yes!”
The bad team
The shredder
The foot gang
The villain of all times
And super luka freaking out
And last but not least
The bad pumpkin head
HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways let’s get started with the story
Later in new york…
At the statue of liberty
In the base…(underground)
Arrrrgggghhhh!!!! Super Luka
The alarm is going off for the bank okay sneaky sanjay im on to it. hay cool kevin go check out the sean, on to it brothers so cool kevin went to the sean when cool kevin got there the WHOLE FOOT GANG WAS THERE and they were shooting people down to the ground and they were also robbing the bank in the volt. befor cool kevin could call us for backup he had to save the cistercians before they all die so he bashed down the walls and took out 70 foot men but he couldn't stop all of them so he had to call for backup…
Chapter two
Back at the base super luka and sneaky sanjay Were eating chop suey
And sneaky sanjay was obviously obviously eating cheese pizza.
The emergency alarm went off
Hay! super luka the alarms going off. hay sneaky sanjay it must be cool kevin in danger!!!!!!!!!
(radio said)
Aaarrrggghhh!!!!!!!! Help super luka and sneaky sanjay you need to DO SOMETHING and fast!!!!!
Im being attacked by the foot gang. “Are you okay” said sneaky sanjay because i'm on my way “hold on mate” Aaarrrggghhh i’ve been captured HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Later on… arggg help help oh no its bad pumpkin head and his
Brussels sprout warriors eww I hate brussels sprouts yuck. bam pow smack bam down goes the disgusting roaten egg whites
Just saying half of the foot gang captured cool kevin and the other half went to robe the bank oh no super luka said sneaky sanjay the bank alarm is going off. LETS GO NOW!!!
When they left bad pumpkin head
Came with his disgusting roaten egg whites and poop and belly flopped on our base and just saying bad pumpkin head is so fat and all of the yuck egg whites and poop flopped everywhere it was SOOOOOO!!!! YUCK!!!
Then the SHREDDER died because he was 263 years old so he court on fire and was randomly defeated AAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrr
What the heck was that!!!
anyways let's get back to the story but first
This is what the SHREDDER looked like when he died.
yeah that’s right dust.
The end
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