Friday, 16 August 2019

Mixed Media Visual Arts

Title: Mixed Media - Visual Arts

Label: Visual Arts, Mixed Media, Past and present, hands

You hold the future in your hands.

In Term 2 our Visual Arts focused was on Mixed Media. We finally finished our pieces of art at the end of the term. We started off by creating two hands, most of us copied our own hands as templates. One hand represents our past and the other hand our future. We used lots of different materials and symbols to make our artwork as well as exploring a range of different techniques with watercolor paint. This is my art work.

Friday, 9 August 2019

nz hockey

On Friday we had so much fun with Sport NZ as they came in to teach us hockey. We got to do warm up and drills with the hockey sticks and played against each other in teams. We are already looking forward to next Friday’s session. Here is a picture:

St Mary Mckilliop

Another celebration for Good Shepherd School in Week 3 was the Feast Day of Saint Mary of the Cross
MacKillop.  St Mary MacKillop a vital part of Good Shepherd School, this is because she was the
founder of the Josephites aka the Brown Joes.  The Brown Joes travelled all over Australia and
New Zealand helping the poor and those in need. They built schools and that is how we are all
students at Good Shepherd School. We celebrated the Feast day by going to a Mass for St Mary
of the Cross and also having fun with our buddy class Room 4 as we worked on a St Mary MacKillop
Art project.  

Cook Islands

Week 3 has been a very busy week with so many celebrations. Good Shepherd School celebrates our
multicultural school with our Cook Island Language focus.  We looked at the culture through our reading
and made fun fact files. We were also lucky to have Alessandra and the cultural leaders teach us a
Pure (prayer) to sing. 

We learnt Aro’a mai te Atua iaku.  See if you can say/sing this pure too.

Aro’a mai te Atua iaku. 
Aro’a mai te Atua iaku 
I te au mea taku kite nei 
Te anuanua kua iti mai ki roto iaku 
Aro’a mai te Atua iaku 

My God loves me 
My God loves me 
And all the wonders I see 
The rainbow shines through my window 

My God loves me 

Whole School Prayers

On Monday the 5th of August Room 6 hosted whole school prayers. Our theme was The Gift of Faith.
We did a song called ‘Open the Eyes of My Heart’ and Jiwoo, Zara and Maggie made hand actions
for us. There were also people who did the prayers of the faithful. Overall prayers was a big success
and everyone enjoyed it.  

Here are some pictures of our prayers:

room 6 assembly

Last week Room 6 performed their assembly. Our main
entertainment was a drama circle on occupations. We also
displayed our mixed media we made in term 2. Some people
also shared about what they put on their art and why. We all
had so much fun preparing and presenting our assembly.

Here are some pictures of our assembly: